Hey Sam, having just stumbled upon some of your posts you touch on some very good points that I wrap my head around every day as well! I would like to know more about how your dev handover works with tokens studio..

I have been reluctant to use it as it requires a plugin to be used which complicates things with other team members / also it could possibly stop working for whatever reason which is not ideal although i know tokens studio is well funded at the moment.

If you could share any insights on the handover process and how the devs use tokens studio that would be awesome! Perhaps a future post even if there is enough info

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Hi Gareth! That is a great question and a topic for its own post indeed but I can give you the short answer.

The deliverable to your engineers are the token files which live in code. Tokens Studio is a no-code wrapper around code files, and when you set up a remote token storage provider to sync your tokens to, they don't actually live in the plugin or Figma, they live in code!

Because the way they are written is outlined in the w3c specifications for design tokens, the files are transferable across different tools and technologies.

You are right, working in a plugin is not ideal! But neither is Figma's native approach so here we are. What I'm really excited about it Penpot as its a native Token experience inside of a design tool.

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